when i went to Edinburgh. in fact it was last week... too many great things happened for me to write a very coherent blog today, instead i'll let it trickle into some entries over the next few days... but here's SOME stuff that went on... Jez and Lizzy (are awesome), walking up hills, walking down hills (and not walking up a windy hill in Holyrood Park). sun and rain, then a bit more sun... rain... sun...rain... (etc)... meeting new friends, and the occasional old one. ghost tour. trees. art. and buckets of inspiration... i just realised this was my first trip away since Stockholm last year, which is perhaps why i treated it like a proper holiday and drank too much, slept too much, spent too much. totally worth it.
but let's remember why i was even there in the first place. i owe it all to the brainchild of Jez and Lizzie... 'We Are the Friction'. i'm not going into what it's all about again, but here's an update...

the book was launched at Analogue Books last thursday. it was pretty great. it still is pretty great and is on until the end of August... numerous images can be seen on Analogue's flickr. i already wrote all about this on my website and feel like i'm repeating myself, but here's some more shameless self-promotion... both my images (in full on my website now) and many of the other illustrations from 'We Are the Friction' can be purchased as a limited edition digital print from Sing Statistics. mine are £20 each. WOW! you know it. and that's not all folks, the original Tigress is for sale, she's £290... holler if you need a tiger made of leaves in your life.
another massive thanks to Jez and Lizzy (best tour guides ever) for putting up with me all week. shout out to my homeboy Charlie (best travel companion) and thanks also to Russell, Julie and Rudi (best family ever? quite possibly) at Analogue (best bookshop ever? for sure)
best present ever... when i was small (smaller than i am now i mean) i was pretty fond of curly wurlies, chocolate buttons and comics featuring the cast of Rainbow... curly wurlies i'm not so fussed about these days and my nostalgia for Rainbow has been marred by that infamous 'plucking' video... but clever Cadbury made GIANT chocolate buttons, which has meant that the ratio of chocolate button : my mouth is the same today as 20 years ago and thus i suppose, i am trapped in the grips of a marketing ploy of pure genius

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