thank you Amy (a.k.a. Phipps the Fantastic) for Peggy...
Amy is a very talented and inspired young lady. she makes the most beautiful collars and dresses and i'm lucky enough to be making her website... for now you can view her blog
last night Jez and Lizzy came to have dinner with me and Katie. on request i cooked 'my' aubergine curry and inspired by Amy's baking made chocolate beetroot cake to follow. all in all, a sucessful evening. here's an ugly photo of a pretty amazing cake...
but here's a very nice cake video by Nicholas Bentley to balance it...
in hindsight i think this is where it all went wrong...
a distinct lack of bubbling...
and rising...
i was preparing for complete failure (Katie was preparing for me burning down the flat)...
then Katie and i ate most of a loaf before bed, with cloudberry jam (thanks ikea)...
baking is fun...
stage 4: 'when the starter is ready, it will appear fully risen, and a small indentation made with a finger won’t spring back'...
unfortunately folks, that's only the end of the beginning. the good news is that (in theory) i can keep the starter alive FOREVER. Boudin Bakery in San Francisco has been using the same 'mother dough' for 160 years. WOW! if i'm still boring you, just take a look at this bread crab
boy. oh. boy. now the beginning of the end...
touching wood...
yesterday was stage 3: it's working!... at this stage the dough should have -and i quote -'a new, fresh look'. and if by 'fresh' they mean gooey...
can you get fresher than this?...
you have to keep feeding sourdough... in this way (and also my too frequent/paranoid checking) it's like a baby. also like a baby is how it keeps growing. my fears of it spurring some world dominating alien life-form may not be unfounded
but do not fear... these aliens are most likely to come paint your house. maybe i'll win a nobel prize for my discovery
stage two: i don't know if i'm doing it right but here goes anyhoo...
the original dough blob was supposed to left for 2-3 days, so i left it for 1 day instead. i just thought it looked kind of ready...
it is an experiment afterall and making it up as you go along seems as good a tactic as any (following recipes is for losers)... the next bit looks surprisingly like the start, but i would at this point advise anyone expecting anything exciting to happen to give up on me now (or tune back in a few days time to see some bread - or most likely no bread)...
it's actually a BIGGER blob...'OH!' i hear you all cry 'a BIGGER blob, well that IS interesting'. it's back in the cupboard now (see stage one)
p.s. recipes are NOT for losers, i take it back. in fact, if you rearrange the letters of RECIPES you can make the word PRECISE... :)
love affairs...
Bjarke Ingels x The Mountain x The Notwist x some surprisingly flexible young men =
in an attempt to prove to myself that idleness can be educational, i'm not only nurturing my relationship with the (highly addictive) TED (we decided to have an open relationship), i'm also spreading some love across the podcast world. here's last night's bedtime entertainment...
inevitable post of the day... i have always proclaimed (unashamed) my love for this
home sweet home...
look lizzy (and everyone else) here are MY new views. from the giant living room window you can see the sea (looking at the photo, you're gonna have to trust me) and at night you can see the lights of Fife across the water. i'm not sure if it beats yours, but it definitely comes close
i saw (500) days of summer last night and today i have listened to the OST endlessly (except for The Smiths tracks i cannae stand) and discovered The Temper Trap...
if it's possible, i love Zooey even more. anyone who wants to buy me some new clothes/dresses, please feel free. or if you prefer, this from Kigu (i would look great inside it)
merci arild for my new favourite song. the lyrics look really nice...
nia nia niékomuna .... bis saaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa Sabali sabali sabali sabali manyé sabalié manyé tou tou tou tou tou tou tout tuuuuuuu Sabali sabali sabali sabali kantéééééééééééé sabaliiiii saaaabaaaaliiiii manyé,,,, bis niké a moi dansééééééé nika a moi dansééééé ouuuuu ouuuu ouuuu
chéri je m'adresse a toi avec toi chéri la vie est belle la llalallallallallalallaalallaa sabalabalabala bala bala babla avec toi chéri ca c'est mon ami je te fais un gros bisou je sais pas je t'embrasse très fort je te fais un gros bisou aaah je t'embrasse fort bye bye
(don't ask me WHAT the video is about, but it beats a photo montage and is really kind of nice)
days of Zooey please
on the importance of hygiene...
the Narnia tv serialisations were an important part of my childhood development...i'm not sure how exactly, but watching the weekly episodes at my great uncle's was always preluded by a bath (we only had a shower at my house), so if nothing else, it helped keep me clean... the chronicles represent a big piece of my childhood nostalgia pie and for this reason i put off watching The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe movie extravaganza afraid that it would be too slick and shiny and just too nice ...
last night, in an effort to entertain Ro (my 6 yr old charge for the week), i succumbed with more than a little trepidation. it was at this point (see below) i knew everything was going to be ok...
i'd like to extend a personal thank you to Mr. McAvoy