stage two: i don't know if i'm doing it right but here goes anyhoo...
the original dough blob was supposed to left for 2-3 days, so i left it for 1 day instead. i just thought it looked kind of ready...

it is an experiment afterall and making it up as you go along seems as good a tactic as any (following recipes is for losers)... the next bit looks surprisingly like the start, but i would at this point advise anyone expecting anything exciting to happen to give up on me now (or tune back in a few days time to see some bread - or most likely no bread)...

it's actually a BIGGER blob...'OH!' i hear you all cry 'a BIGGER blob, well that IS interesting'. it's back in the cupboard now (see stage one)
p.s. recipes are NOT for losers, i take it back. in fact, if you rearrange the letters of RECIPES you can make the word PRECISE... :)
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