i've just finished 2 images for Jez and Lizzie's new book 'We Are the Friction' (here is Frition #1, which will give you some idea of what it's all about)... i can't publish them in their fullness 'til the book is launched in July, but meanwhile, here's a preview...

the view of the downs from my window is also mostly hidden; by a mist impervious to the fact it's May Day. shouldn't it be sunshine and no work? well, i have a double date with a hoover and mop... but as we all know, good things come to those who wait, patience is a virtue and time is telling... hope the sun comes out later folks. fun anyone?
p.s... just researched public holidays and discovered 1st May is not a holiday here. also found out that it is in Norway and that they have 13 a year vs. the U.K.'s 8. i'm adding that to my pro/con list of living there someday.
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