the spontaneous nature of the blog seems to have been lost on me these past couple of weeks... I have either been too busy out and about doing I can't remember what (probably a play park or 2 in there) or with my Mum who visited last weekend, or just pondering life in general - the latter having taken it's toll recently. here is a selection of musings from the past week or so...
1) Jarvis Cocker is DULL, despite what Nigel says. I am amazed that an uncoordinated middle-aged man with the stylings of a geography teacher, balancing (not very well) on one leg and generally prancing about looking like a fool, singing not very great songs, could attract so large a following. Nigel says this IS his appeal.
2) Malcolm Gladwell is not dull. our current financial climate explained via the american civil war and the usual research based anecdotes, was not dull. you may think I must be lying, but I'm not. his hair is not dull either... I am still dissappointed that Nigel and I failed to get rainbow 'fros in time. dammit...
3) because it's always good to wear clean socks, my new new favourite band, thanks to
4) my Mum visited at weekend, and most importantly she got to meet her granddaughter for the first time. Mila sometimes looks like this...

5) and the result of my near internal combustion?? a semi-rejection of my (not very apparent) creative career and, for those of you who are expecting a free place to stay in Berlin during the next few months, don't call on me cos I'm more likely to be in L.A with Lyndsey... yes. L!A!
6) LYNDSEY... is one of my best friends, but she lives in America which as we all know is a lot of pennies away... so soon I'll be spending a lot of pennies. she's amazingly talented / dedicated to the extreme / kind / beautiful and all round awesome. I don't think she'd mind me telling you she's is pretty damn hilarious too... I wish I could tell you the peeing incident, but it's not my place. HAHAHAHA...HA
lyndsey's blog

7) I have also been embracing the SUN and it's myriad healing properties
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